Hobo Jack's Books
Now Available in Print and as Downloads for readers and tablets. This book and the forth-coming sequel are full-length novels containing very controversial opinions about health, animal rights, human rights, government and injustice. Many of these discussions are with a toad. While eloquent and cute, this book is a serious picaresque novel filled with Socratic dialogue. Two formats: ePub for Androids or iBook and Mobi for Kindle devices Download Versions: |
"Time In A Box" By Backwoods Hobo Jack eBook Download
Looks like a children's book but reads like Gulliver's Travels. A beautiful and philosophical look at the American tragedy that is the Bush Administration. Patches the hobo dog travels with Backwards The Railroad Bum. They live together happily until events force Patches to go in search of answers to life''s big questions. He fails to find answers in the White House just as so many others have. Not even Trick Brainy, Snarl Rogue, Don Oldrumsmell or Connie Don' Sneezanice can help.
Looks like a children's book but reads like Gulliver's Travels. A beautiful and philosophical look at the American tragedy that is the Bush Administration. Patches the hobo dog travels with Backwards The Railroad Bum. They live together happily until events force Patches to go in search of answers to life''s big questions. He fails to find answers in the White House just as so many others have. Not even Trick Brainy, Snarl Rogue, Don Oldrumsmell or Connie Don' Sneezanice can help.
Time In A Box, Fantasy Satire (currently only available as a .pdf file)
"Get A Horse" By Laughin' Jack Sophir
Believe it or not, Jack's first book (a compendium of early automobile cartoons from early 20th Century publications) is still available in print from ArchivalProductions through Amazon
Bob has some autographed copies of the book that are new but have small mold stains inside cover.
Believe it or not, Jack's first book (a compendium of early automobile cartoons from early 20th Century publications) is still available in print from ArchivalProductions through Amazon
Bob has some autographed copies of the book that are new but have small mold stains inside cover.